Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I don't know where it came from, but Matryoshka dolls have been on my brain lately. I had a set when I was a kid and still haven't figured out why it's so darn satisfying to take them apart (always surprised at the tiniest one in the center) and then put them together again. Most be an OCD tic or something. But I loved my Matryoshka dolls. So I found some blanks over here and they've finally arrived, all bare and ready to be painted. With lots of ideas swimming in my mind, I did a quick google search to find some additional (or at least focused) inspiration. And lookee at what I found! Holy cow.

Go here to see more Matryoshka outside-the-box (doll?) thinking. I think I'll be spending some more time pondering now...

I'm still working on my Cobblestone Pullover from Interweave Fall '07 for Andrew. I've got the main part of the body done, and just finished the second sleeve, but somehow each sleeve ended up two stitches short. Doesn't that seem fishy? Alas, there's no errata to be found so I'm beginning to accept the fact that the problem lies with me. I might just stick a little increase in at the end to bring the stitch count up and hope that I don't end up with a puckered, lumpy mess of a sleeve. Upon further inspection it's been determined that I can't follow directions....repeat 9 MORE times means I'll have a total of 10 increase rows NOT that I'll repeat the increases until I have 9 of them. Reading directions...yep...the same thing I harass my 9th graders about...

Oh, and word on the street is that Interweave's holiday giftie issue is out. I still think that mag should come out in July so I can start planning a little earlier. Or I could manage to actually get to the store when it hits the shelves. Either way:)

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made. by k.d.