Saturday, October 20, 2007

Tragedy Tommorow,

Comedy Tonight. Or more like: Tragedy Yesterday, Comedy Yesterday. Last night was the fourth meeting of Shakefeast, our shakespeare-reading club. We pick a play, bring lots of food and wine to someone's house, and read round-robin style. Last night the plan was to read Comedy of Errors at Megan's new house (no, I'm no longer bitter that she moved to the next town over...honest!) We purposely picked the shortest play for our first Friday night meeting - - we're mostly all teachers which means Friday night is all about crashing at 9pm. But we were brave and made it out to Megan's house, only to realize that expecting her to host us in her house on a Friday was particularly cruel. Oh well, at least we were reading a comedy. But just before we were ready to begin, Megan went upstairs and found the family's pet guinea pig in an eternal slumber in its cage. This is the same guinea pig you may remember from a previous post...he showed up at my house and took very good care of it during Megan's move. Oh, the loss of a first pet for a child. I tried in vain to close Joe's eyelid's before the kids could see him...I'm pretty sure now that guinea pigs don't have eyelids. Good to know. Joe was lovingly given a cozy box to rest in with bedding and food and a candle was lit in his honor. And such was the passing of The Best Guinea Pig Ever.

In other, happier news, tonight is a girls' night out to celebrate a colleague's birthday. She is the choral teacher at our school and so she's getting this lovely ring from Foundandmade (my new favorite etsy shop):
and this super-cool necklace of hers that I have always admired and which broke into a hundred tinkling beads the other day while we were talking in front of school (I offered to restring it for her.)
The beads are organic and vintage. Kate thinks they have something to do with apple core...I'm not sure, but let's just say that she's lucky she's getting this necklace back;)

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made. by k.d.