Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kutztown Festival

I'm not feeling terribly creative right now...strategically packing for a three-week trip to China has got my brain a little fried. But we recently went to the Kutztown Festival and there are some things worth remembering. Such as:

The fact that I need to buy a home in the country so that I can get some of these:
And the beauty of this peacock who, for all his radiance and shimmying, couldn't get the darn peahen to notice him.Being surrounded by crafts, and men who cross stitch.
Pickles on a stick.
Followed by pierogies on a stick. French fries on a stick.
And the momentary (and alas, not captured on film) ice cream on a stick.

Sheep shearing and the purchase of the softest ball of angora yarn (followed by a visit with angora rabbits and the knowledge that I must have one).
A quilt auction (this one fetched $7,800). And the following day, searching for antiques...perfect diner, perfect food.
And so, with a few more tweaks to the packing technique and a day full of distinctly American food (diner food was a good start), I am ready for China!

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