Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Cross Stitch Complete!

Alright, it took me a while to see this project through, but I managed to eke it out before the 6th edition of Mailorder comes around, so that's an accomplishment. The reflection from the glass is making this photo a little wonky, but I am quite pleased with the way it turned out. I'm really into robin's egg blue at the moment and come summertime, my living room walls should be this color and I think this little guy will look quite spiffy up against a blue wall.

The weather is a balmy 80 degrees here today and I've managed to catch a cold (on vacation, no less!) I'll hopefully get to putter around in the garden if I'm feeling up to it, but otherwise I'll probably spend a lot of time staring at the evil red vest that needs to be completed. Oh! And I ordered my birthday present on super sale today (a knitting machine!) and so maybe I'll lie around and think about its arrival. See, I can do that because I'm on VACATION!

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made. by k.d.